Tee-pee enhancements and new features
[NEW] More consistent use of role / authority terms:
- Administration / Settings: Unit Permissions section renamed User Roles in the unit. Modified and unified term Roles / permissions in the section: Assignment of user roles to persons, in the unit on the tab User roles: messages, three-point menu, ...
(The role contains specific permissions - we assign roles that contain specific permissions / groups of permissions). (Read more in the chapter ADMINISTRATION - SETTINGS / Administration of user roles.)
- Creating a legal representative: When inviting a legal representative to the system, the telephone number and ID card number fields are not mandatory. Mandatory information remains first name last name and email.
Error correction
- Unit display
- Fixed display of parent unit hierarchy in person's profile.
- Adjust the display of people in the unit in order (ascending and descending).
- Correct recalculation of statistics within units and subunits, members within allocation.
- Fixed permission to assign magazines in a person's profile.
- Registration
- Fixed bugs in the process of creating New registrations.
- Fixed a non-displayed button for printing the Registration Sheet.
- Termination of the unit
- Fixed a bug where during the termination of a unit, the membership in the organization was incorrectly terminated by a person who had a regular membership in this unit.
- Legal representative
- Fixed an issue with inviting a legal representative to Teepee.
- When editing the data of the legal representative (who was not invited to the Teepee from the child's profile), a bug was displayed showing if the identity document is not filled in.
- Correction of the logic of displaying events to which a person has the right, when events are displayed correctly according to the rules: whether the event is: public, whether the person is the author of the event or in the case of a private event, whether the person is a member of the unit or subordinate organized.
- For selected fields in the application, adjust the wording of the red warning messages displayed in case of incorrectly filled in data.
- Search for units
- Filter members by status
- Modification of exports for the Ministry, modification of final reports